The Cutts Personal GRE Tutorial
NEW! Unlimited Coaching Option
- One fee - $1290. Unlimited hours of coaching. Unlimited months
of coaching.
- We work with you until you are accepted into grad school.
- Fee includes unlimited help on the GRE and advice on other aspects
of the application.
- Fee includes a 10 minute review of your personal statement.
- Additional work on your personal statement is NOT included. However,
you can buy phone hours for advanced personal statement help at the
reduced rate of $100.
- This program is not available to residents of New
Mexico. Contact us for our NM program.
Hourly Package
- The fee is $575. It includes two hours of phone support
and a discount on additional hours.
- If you want to purchase additional phone hours, include $100 for each
hour. Unused hours are fully refundable.
- Please call if you have any questions about ordering. We'll be glad
to walk you through it.
It is also possible to register with a credit card and receive your materials
instantly. There is a small surcharge. To do this, please call (505) 281-0684
between 10 am and 10 pm Mountain time, 7 days.
Individual Phone Hours Only (without
- If you are not enrolling in the Personal GRE Tutorial,
you can buy individual phone hours with Jay Cutts.
- Our full hourly fee is $175 per hour and all hours
must be paid in advance.
Register for the above programs:
- Mail a check to: Cutts Graduate Reviews, 31 B Kelly
Lane, Los Lunas, NM 87031USA
- Include your name, address, phone numbers and email.
- Credit card: Contact us for credit card payments
and/or payment plans.