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How to Register for the Cutts Personal GMAT Tutorial

Questions? Call (505) 281-0684, 7 days, 10am-10pm, Mt. time

The Tutorial comes in a software package that runs on your computer.

Computer Requirements:
  • An IBM compatible computer that is not shared with the public (i.e., your own computer, as opposed to one in a library or computer lab)
  • Windows NT, XP or newer
  • You will NOT need to install any programs. You will just save the Tutorial files onto your hard drive.

If you don't meet these requirements, click here for an alternate way of ordering.

To order the Personal GMAT Tutorial Software:

  1. The Program fee is $475. It includes two hours of phone time. Read what the program includes. Contact us to apply for a $50 limited income scholarship.
  2. If you want to purchase additional phone hours, include $75 for each hour.
  3. Mail your check to: Cutts Graduate Reviews, 144 Sedillo Hill Road, Tijeras, NM 87059 USA
  4. Include your name, address, phone numbers and email.
  5. Print out and include the personal information record
  6. Please call if you have any questions about ordering. We'll be glad to walk you through it.

It is also possible to register with a credit card and receive your materials instantly. There is a small surcharge. To do this, please call (505) 281-0684 between 10 am and 10 pm Mountain time, 7 days.

Please read the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page before ordering

The Cutts Personal GMAT Tutorial Includes:

  1. The Lectures and Materials
  2. Individual Help by Phone
  3. Free Customer Service

    Back to software order directions

    Terms and Conditions


    Please Read the Conditions of Our Guarantees in the Terms at the End of This Form

    This is optional. It helps us know more about your needs.
    1. When will you take the GMAT?:



    3. Are you in school now? School name:
    4. Undergrad GPA:



    6. Colleges you will apply to:



    8. What scores do you need to be competitive:



    10. Have you taken the GMAT before? Scores and percentiles:



    12. When you studied math previously, did you (check one):
    13. Specify any learning disabilities, physical or sensory disabilities or other special needs that you feel might influence your performance on the GMAT:



    15. What other concerns do you have about preparing? Any specific needs of goals?



    17. Do you want to receive names and contact numbers (phone, e-mail) for  2-3 other students in our program whose prep needs are similar to yours (it's FREE!)?
    18. Can we give out your name to other students in our program who want to have a study group? Check all that are ok.
    19. Who else do you know who might be interested in GMAT prep? Names and phone numbers. Get a $25 credit toward phone support or a $10 cash reward for each one who registers with us.





        Back to Software Ordering Instructions

      Back to Alternate (non-software) Ordering Instructions


      Alternate Ordering Instructions

      If you don't meet the system requirements for using the Personal GMAT Tutorial Software, you can order the program on video or DVD. Use the Order Form below.

      ORDER FORM - Cutts Personal GMAT Tutorial on Video or DVD

      NOTE: You are entitled to Two Free Hours of  Phone Support with your registration.  Additional hours must be prepaid. Most people include 1 or 2 extra hours to start with.  You can send more later.  Unused hours are refunded in full.

      Please also include the Personal Record.

      Payment can be made by credit card as well. Call us to do this. (505) 281-0684, 10am to 10pm, Mountain Time, 7 days.

      PROGRAM FEE (including TAPES/DVD's):
      EXTRA PHONE SUPPORT: at $75 per hour $

      TAPE/DVD DEPOSIT:  (100% refundable) Specify whether VHS tapes or DVD's

      TAPE/DVD Charge: (NOT refundable)
      SUBTOTAL: $

      SHIPPING: ..........Three to Five day delivery in US:                          $15

      ..............................Express (usually next or second day) or Foreign:  $35





      Please read them and keep this copy.  If you have questions, please call BEFORE you register.

      Personal Tutorial Terms and Conditions (See below for Classroom Style)

      1.  You are the "licensee".  You are licensing the use of Cutts Graduate Reviews (CGR) videotapes for a limited time.  Videotapes remain the property of CGR.

      2.  Your Program Fee ($475) is a one time fee.  You never need to pay it again.  It entitles you to lease the tapes for additional 2 month periods for $25 plus shipping and it entitles you to work by phone with Mr. Cutts at the discounted hourly rate published above.  The Program Fee includes two hours of phone support. If you are using the software instead of videotapes or DVD's, you can renew the software free of charge.

      3.  MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.  You can return the videotapes for a full refund of your Program Fee ($475) minus a $100 handling charge at any time if you are not satisfied with the course.  Postage and used phone hours are not refundable. 

      4.  FULL GUARANTEE:  You may apply to be accepted into our Full Guarantee Track Program.  The Full Guarantee guarantees that you will be accepted into MBA school.  You must complete certain requirements to qualify for the guaranteed free help.    If you meet these requirements and are not accepted into business school, Mr. Cutts will continue to work with you free of charge until you are accepted.  The requirements are as follows:

            1. You agree to apply to a minimum of 5 schools at which you have a reasonable chance.
            2. You agree to apply a second year if necessary.
            3. You use a minimum of 12 hours of phone support time with Mr. Cutts on the GMAT (including your free hour) over at least a 6 month period.
            4. You use a minimum of 5 hours of phone support time with Mr. Cutts on your Personal Statement.
            5. You use a minimum of 3 hours of  phone support time with Mr. Cutts on other aspects of the application process.
            6. You agree to contact Mr. Cutts about your progress at least two times every month.
            7. You agree to make contacts at schools, do research on schools and conduct a special research project as recommended by Mr. Cutts.

        After all of these requirements have been met, if you have not been accepted, the Full Guarantee will apply.  CGR reserves the right to not accept students into the Full Guarantee Track Program if they are considered a poor risk for getting admitted or for meeting our requirements for eligibility.  For your protection you must request permission in advance to qualify for the program.  It is our goal that you feel you have been treated fairly.  However, CGR reserves the right for final determination of whether you have met the requirements.

      5.  CGR will replace any defective tapes free of charge.

      6.  DUE DATE.   You may keep the tapes for up to 2 months.  You will be given a due date for returning tapes.  Tapes must be postmarked by the due date.  There is a $2 per day late fee.  If you would like to keep the tapes for an additional 2 months, there is a $25 handling charge.  You do not ever need to pay the basic course fee again.

      Even if you forget and lose your whole deposit, you must still return the tapes.   A set of 2 or 3 tapes is valued at $700. . Individual tapes are valued at $400.   You agree to pay any legal fees required to recover tapes, as well as the $2 per day late fee.

      Software does not need to be returned and can be reactivated for two additional months free of charge.

      7.  Phone Support and Customer Service:  Customer service is free and covers technical problems with materials, questions about what services are available and clarifications of directions.   Phone support is on a fee basis and covers help with preparation, discussion of material on the tapes, review of progress, math help and help with the admissions process.   CGR reserves the right to distinguish customer service issues from phone support issues.

      8.  IMPORTANT:  You (the licensee) agree NOT to LOAN or SELL tapes, videos or DVDs, or LET OTHERS VIEW them.. The condition of this agreement is that the lecture materials are for your own sole personal use.  If you need to make a different arrangement, please contact us.  You agree that if you lend, sell or show materials to others, a minimum of $300 damages per person per incident applies.   Licensee is responsible for additional infractions incurred if anyone to whom tapes are lent or sold lends shows or sells them to others.   Licensee is responsible for any legal fees and other fees incurred in recovering damages.   You are also responsible under the paragraph below if someone copies any portion of a tape registered to you, with or without your knowledge!  Video materials are  marked with identifying codes.

      The CGR video materials are fully protected by copyright law.. You (the licensee) agree not to copy any tape or any portion thereof.. Any violation is a breach of this contract and a violation of Federal copyright law, which provides for civil penalties up to $100,000 per incident plus legal fees.   Copying tapes is also a crime under Federal law.   You can pay additional fines, go to prison, or both.

      In the event that the licensee has appeared to violate any conditions of this agreement or has provided misleading registration information, all obligations of CGR to the licensee cease and all videotapes are due immediately upon notification.  The licensee forfeits all fees and deposits.

      You will receive a packet of information along with your videos.  Please read over it carefully.  It will provide full details about your program.  If you are dissatisfied with any of the details, you may return the materials  for a full refund of your Program Fee minus a $50 handling charge.  Shipping and used phone time are not refunded.





    Free Booklet  Home  Course Details Letter from Jay Cutts
    e-mail: (505) 281-0684. 7 days/wk, 10 am to 10 pm Mountain Time

      Cutts Graduate Reviews, 144 Sedillo Hill Road, Tijeras, NM 87059